Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thrift Fits: Sweet Florals

"It's not about how expensive your clothes are, but how you wear it!"

Part of the joy in thrifting is finding unique quality pieces that are one of a kind and fashionable, but still affordable at the same time!

Lately, I've been having so much good luck with my thrifting that I decided to share with you guys some of my favorite thrift finds!

Whenever I go thrifting, I would usually go for the dresses first, then the tops. (I usually stay away from bottoms unless I find really unique pieces that has excellent quality.)

It's quite overwhelming to shop in a thrift store so I would usually look for a print and color that would attract my attention, and then I would go from there.

One of the pieces that definitely caught my attention was this adorable little peter pan collared dress!

I absolutely love dresses with collars like this! Dresses like this give off a vintage feel and they remind me of the dresses my mother used to force my sister and I to wear when we were still children. Ironically, now that I'm an adult, I absolutely love wearing adorable dresses like this! Call it regression, but I'd say wear what you want!

This particular dress has an inner lining that feels good against the skin. Plus, the floral print makes it such a sweet dress to look at. I definitely felt as cute as a button in this pretty little thing!

Speaking of florals, I also got attracted to this sweet little pastel yellow dress with floral embroidery!

I loved how the dress fit me, even though I was a little unsure about the style at first. Turns out the dress looked even better when worn!

What do you guys think of these thrifted pieces?

I definitely have more thrifted pieces to share with you guys, so please do follow my blog if you want to see more of my thrift fits and thrift hauls!

If you are based in the Philippines and you want to know which thrift store I got these pieces from, I usually shop at the thrift store near the Anonas LRT station.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a thrifty day!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Personal Style: Monochrome Stripes

I've been seeing black and white everywhere.


And though I am usually against the grain when it comes to my personal style, I decided to try it out. Even more so because my current mood wasn't very colorful lately due to personal troubles.

But I digress. Let's just move on...

I really adore the quality and style of this pencil skirt from Pink Boudoir. The front slit also adds a little hint of sexiness, but still keeping it modest! Leave some to the imagination, ladies!

I kept this outfit interesting by adding stripes and textures to the mix. And the cute little dreamcatcher necklace from Pretty Little Blings is a nice touch too!

The stripes on the top also extends to the straps on my feet, and little details like that keep me from getting bored with what I'm wearing.

To match the front slit of the skirt, there's a little peek at the elbow part of the top as well!

And just a little secret between us… I only wrapped this sweater around my waist to cover unsightly bulges of my Coke belly because the skirt is quite form fitting. (But let's all pretend it's because I wanted to go for that 90's flare! Hihihi!)

What did you guys think of this look? Did you like it? Please leave a comment below and let me know!

Again, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a thrifty day! ^_^

Outfit Details

Pencil skirt with slit:
Pink Boudoir by Kaatg_

Black and white striped long sleeves:
Forever 21

Textured sweater:
Eastwood Tiangge

Dreamcatcher necklace:
Pretty Little Blings

Chunky Summer Heels:
Girls Haven

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Kal Features: Ripples By Jenny

Two years ago, I was a mere Instagrammer who simply loved posting OOTDs or outfits of the day.

Years later, I still am. (Except this time, I blog sometimes too. Hehe!)

But despite all that I have seen and experienced in my life, I never would have imagined that this little interest of mine would lead me to be able to collaborate with such amazing clothing lines.

One closest to my heart would definitely be Ripples By Jenny.

I was very inexperienced, but Miss Jenny was kind and generous enough to explain everything that I needed to know to start our collaboration. 

And the more I see, the more I believed in her clothing line (having bought a few pieces for myself).

Ripples By Jenny offers pieces that are on trend and fashionable at affordable prices. So if you’re a fashionista or blogger that needs difficult-to-find fashion pieces that are trendy and photogenic, Ripples By Jenny is definitely the place for you!

Below are photos of some of the pieces that I’ve styled for them:

Hi! I’m Awkward tee

Kryzzie top in white *currently on sale!*

Back to Basics tee in blue

Floral mesh skirt

Mesh skater skirt with pleats *currently on sale!*

If you wish to purchase your own pieces from Ripples By Jenny, I have placed the link to their website on the right panel of my blog. Or you can simply click here.

However, if you are more comfortable shopping the traditional way, you could always visit their actual stores listed below:

Plazuela de Iloilo Bazaar
2 pm – 10 pm daily in front of posyon

Gift Box
Atrium Mall, Iloilo City
8:30 am – 7:30 pm daily

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a thrifty day! ^_^

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dealing With IG Trolls: 16 Types of Trolls You Meet On Instagram

Let’s face it. They’re everywhere on the Internet.

Whether they are trolling on you or somebody else, it almost always sends negative vibes to the IG community. So what do we do then?

Personally speaking, I realized that categorizing such things help a lot in trying to understand or deal with negativity. (I blame that on my background and experience in Psychology.) Plus, it helps us see the humor in what these trolls do or say!

This list is partly based on Buzzfeed.com’s article “13 Types of Trolls You’ll Meet On The Internet” written by Robin Edds. I edited and added a few of my own types to his list, and I also copied his tone of writing. (Just in case you noticed the similarity.)

Here’s my version of the list:

16 Types of Trolls You’ll Meet On Instagram

1.    The Spammer.

·      Usually leaves comments that are copy pasted to every public account they could find;
·      Contains self-promotion or chain letter type messages;
·      Sometimes accompanied by positive comments about your photo;
·      The most common kind of Instagram troll;
·      Beware of hashtags.

How to deal with them: Usually harmless; if they annoy you, simply delete and block, don’t use hashtags, and when all else fails, turn your IG account private.

2.    The Trololololol.

·      They are bored… really bored;
·      Likes provoking other people for fun (especially die-hard fans);
·      Wants someone to notice them;
·      Otherwise reasonable people fueled by Internet anonymity.


How to deal with them: In this case, “don’t feed the troll” applies; if they persist due to constant feeding by other users, blatantly point it out to spoil their game then direct their attention to something else (They ARE bored after all, give them something to do!)

3.    The Jealous Troll.

·      Jealous of you but would never admit that they are;
·      Usually someone you know;
·      Often checks your page and sometimes talks s**t about you behind your back;
·      Never likes and comments on your photos but follows your posts religiously.

How to deal with them: Do nothing; continue being your fab self and relish in the fact that they put you on a pedestal (even though they would never admit that they do!)

4.    The Lurker.

·      They lie in wait, and strike the moment they find the opportunity.

How to deal with them: Be flattered. After all, they did spend a lot of time paying attention to everything you post. Best follower ever!

5.    The Tagger.

·      Keeps tagging random users on unwanted photos;
·      Possibly a bot or a random IGer (that doesn’t even follow you back) trying to either gain more followers or win an Instagram contest/giveaway.

How to deal with them: Depending on your level of tolerance, these types can be easily ignored. But if you must, you can easily block them too.

6.    The Noob

·      Leaves comments like “Spam for spam? Recent for recent? Like for Like? Comment for comment? Follow for follow? Row for row?” on your photos;
·      The type that follows to unfollow;
·      Also a very common type of Instagram troll.

How to deal with them: Best ignored. Unless of course you want to play their game, in which case, go ahead! (I do sometimes, lol!) Besides, some of them are really nice and even stay as your IG friend! (In which case, they’d no longer be a troll, hihi!)

7.    The Fisher.

·      Leaves random comments on photos or videos to gain followers;
·      Quick to change their username;
·      Sometimes doesn’t even wait for the photo or video to load before making their comment.

How to deal with them: Usually the type of troll that’s fun to troll back!

8.    The Whiner.

·      Easily offended;
·      Takes everything as a personal assault;
·      If they cannot feel offended directly, they will read through comments and find a way to be offended on other people’s behalf.

How to deal with them: Ignore them for 10 minutes. They’ll find something else to feel offended about.

9.    The Point Misser.

·      A form of Whiner that lacks the ability to detect humor or sarcasm;
·      Usually emerges during comment battles.

How to deal with them: Put emoticons to good use. Add a winky face or sarcastic face to everything you write so they know you're joking or being sarcastic.

10.  The Critic.

·      Never satisfied; they say you’re too thin, too fat, too whiny, too stupid, too smart, too sexy, too real, too nice, etc.
·      Under the delusion that their opinions matter;
·      Their choice of words often provoke Whiners;
·      Online anonymity makes them think that the usual rules of society don't apply; forgets that there’s a person behind every IG account.

How to deal with them: They are simply not worth the worry. Best ignored or blocked because a lot of times, nothing we say would change their mind. (Unless of course they’re youngsters simply trying to express themselves --- in which case, we would have to teach them how to state their opinion in a constructive and polite manner.)

11.  The Hater.

·      Moves from victim to victim saying mean things to people;
·      They don’t need a reason to hate – they just do!
·      Can’t be bothered to capitalize letters (and when they do, they usually capitalize everything and turns into a Shouter – see number 13);
·      Often neglects the proper use of punctuations, spacing, grammar and spelling;
·      Often seen trolling on big IG accounts.

At least this one tried to spell better. Sort of...

Nice try, though!

How to deal with them: Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate.

12.  The Line Crosser.

·      Just like a Pokemon evolves to its advanced form, the Line Crosser is the evolved form of the Hater;
·      One of the worst types found on Instagram;
·      Their weapon of choice includes gender, race, religion, body image, personal lifestyle attacks, psychological disorders, death, suicide, rape, etc.

How to deal with them: Karma’s a b***h. Let her do the rest. 
13.  The Shouter.

·      They are either very angry random users or very excited fan girls;
·      It doesn't matter what you say or do, they are easily angered or excited by anything and everything;
·      Sometimes spawns from comment battles instigated by the Trololololols or Haters.

How to deal with them: Steal their Caps Lock key. And their Shift keys (just in case.)

14.  The Grammar Nazi.

·      Fairly uncommon kind of IG troll (since IG followers rarely read captions anyway);
·      Usually seen replying to Haters or Shouters.

How to deal with them: Proof read everything you post (or suffer their wrath!)

15.  The Creep.

·      Whether it’s your chest, your legs, your feet or your hairy nostril, these guys are always turned on by your posts;
·      Sometimes uses the Direct Message feature to send inappropriate photos;
·      Usually found lurking in IG accounts featuring photos of hot girls.

How to deal with them: Meet the block button. It will be your best friend.

16.  The Poser.

·      The most dangerous kind of Instagram troll;
·       Steals your identity to satisfy their own needs or uses your identity to troll other people.

How to deal with them: Enlist the help of other people to report that account. Let the Instagram administrators do something about it. NEVER TOLERATE THE POSER! (Their thoughtless actions could potentially snowball into something that is irreparable.)

Whatever kind of troll we encounter online, the best arsenal we could ever have against them is HUMOR! ^_^

This attitude works best with the knowledge that these trolls do not know us and that we can’t always please everybody.

Easier said than done, right?

This is why it is important to connect with people who can relate with our feelings so that we won’t have to feel alone.

It is NEVER a good feeling to have mean trolls attack you. 

In fact, the initial sting hurts.


So much so that we might even be tempted to respond to these trolls with overwhelming emotion.

But believe me when I say it won't make us feel any better. It won't make us look like the better person either.

So stop and take a deep breath.

Step back a bit and think, "Is this person really talking about me? Or are the words being thrown at me right now simply a reflection of their own issues and limited view of the world?"

Most likely, we would realize that the answer to this question would be "yes."

Once we understand this, healing would come quicker for us, and we can move on with our head held high.

Who knows? We might even find ourselves laughing at these trolls some day!

And also, remember to accept the support being given by the people whose opinion actually matters – the ones who actually know and care about us! 

And as for the trolls out there…

Please feel free to leave a comment below! I would love to read your thoughts and feelings on my latest post! Tweet, like, or share this article to those who need it today!

Thank you so much for reading and have a troll-free day! ^_^